लंदन इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ बैंकिंग एंड फाइनेंस
Founded in 1879 as the Institute of Bankers, and gained Royal Charter in 1987 and in 1996 developed first professional award linked to a university degree. Became Institute of Financial Services (ifs) in 1997. Became ifs University College in 2013. First awarded Taught Degree - Awarding Powers (TDAP) in 2010, and acquired current title in 2017.
श्रेणियाँ 2
स्नातकोत्तर उपाधि,
स्नातक की डिग्री
या बराबर
भाषाएँ 1
भाग 1
- बैंकिंग और फाइनेंस कोर्स/कार्यक्रम